Monday, February 11, 2008

Back on The Blog

It's been months since my last post. It's not that nothing interesting has happened, I just haven't wanted to write about it. Publically.

I'm back on the training circuit and that's always fun to write about. I've joined Master's at Koret and figured, since I was going to swim with the big guns, I should act like the big guns act. Thus, I pee'd in the pool. It was fun. But come on. Really? Am I that susceptible to the bad advice of my fellow swimmers?

Here's what happened. It was 40 minutes into the workout and I had to go. Attendance was pretty low that night and I had the whole lane to myself. I was hanging at the end of the lane on a just kinda happened. Ok, it didn't "just" happen. I can't in good conscience blame this on bladder control. But there I was, peeing in the water and nobody knew!

The whole point of peeing in the water was so I could continue the workout without having to get out of the pool. Problem is, after I pee'd in my own friggin lane, I didn't want to keep swimming in it. And so, I am chalking this experience up to a bad judgment call. And while I will continue to pee in my wetsuit, there will be no more peeing at Koret, so fear not fellow Masters' swimmers. That warm spot has nothing to do with me.

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