Saturday, June 2, 2007


For those tracking my race remotely, my BIB # is 1101. You can sign up to get updates sent to you via text or email.

Some highlights so far:
Water temperature is 57 degrees, this is the warmest it's been so far this season. They are predicting a relatively easy swim with excellent timing for the currents.

Air temperature today is a chilly 52 degrees, the high tomorrow should be a little warmer at 63, but it is quite overcast. Sunrise will be at 5:49am.

My alarm is set to go off at 3:00am.

I saw The Bachelor Andy Baldwin and Tessa down at the athlete's registration/pre-race meeting. I have to say, those are two extremely attractive people. They could not have been more friendly, despite the fact that he was being approached left and right by people asking for pictures.

The youngest person doing the race is 12.

There are 2000 people signed up.

Accenture has never lost a swimmer.

I overheard a woman talking to these two guys, she was from out of town and hadn't stepped foot on one inch of the course. She was D.S.A. (desperately seeking advice) about what to expect on the swim. The guys were like, "Oh, you'll be fine. It's a shock at first, but you'll do great." I was thinking to myself: Now THAT takes a lot of you know whats...I couldn't imagine jumping off the boat with no experience.

And that, my friends, brings us to the end of the pre-Alcatraz portion of my blog. What will she write about next, you all must be wondering. Don't worry, I'll think of something good.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh Pam! You little triathlon gawker-stalker you! Love the pic...

Go get 'em girlfriend! I'll be there cheering you on!

mat said...

Nice work out there Pam! Looking forward to hearing what you thought of the race