Sunday, June 24, 2007

Road Tripper

I've always been more of a dog person than a cat person. Dogs go places and do things. They're basically like extremely attractive people who never disagree with you.

I don't have a dog though. I have a cat. He's turned out to be the most dog-like cat I could have ever hoped for. He fetches. He gets into the trash. He destroys his toys. He's never been late to a meal. He exhibits canine behavior in almost every vain. If he started humping legs, I would not be terribly surprised.

So this weekend, we decided to engage his wild side and take him on our weekend trip to Tahoe. It got off to a rocky start, he was panting and meowing in that low growling meow that must translate to, "you will suffer for humiliating me in this most idiotic manner." By the time we had crossed the Carquinez bridge, he resembled a limp noodle. In fact, I barely recognized him.

Not letting me forget that he is actually true to his feline form, he spent the first night and most of the following day under the bed. But when we returned from our activities (for me, that was doing the swim as a relay in the Tahoe Blue Xterra), he was ready to dismiss his sulk and get to know his new digs. He quickly returned to being the terror that we all love him for, sliding across the hardwood floors and crashing into doors as he under-estimates his turning radius, jumping like a kangaroo to chase his favorite toy (which he then proceded to destroy), and stalking birds and chipmunks through the screen door.

Matthes could very well be a good adventurer cat, as much of an adventurer as a cat can be. He'd probably stick his head out the car window if I let him. When it comes down to it, all he really needs is a sunny spot and the occasional scratch on the head. Oh, and a new toy.


BrianZ said...

Matthes is, by far, the funniest cat I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. He's a lover, not a fighter, has a knack for taking funny ass photos, can entertain himself given the right toy and get's *just* the point where you want to take him to the pound before stopping his annoying ways. He's fun to have around...I wouldn't trade him for anything...even a bulldog.

Anonymous said...

Wow - did Pam just write a post that could be termed as "cute"...? Yes, yes I believe she did. Don't blink!

PamSpace said...

It's been a slow news week, Annie. But don't worry. The sarcasm is back with my most recent post.